Bundleview Visualization Examples

The following examples show the capabilities of our bundleview implementation:

Hovering over a node highlights it. All ancestors and descendants are highlighted as well. In addition, the visualisations shows all nodes related to a leaf of the highlighted node. Source are green, targets are red. Unrelated nodes and relations are faded out to emphasize the selection.

Right clicking a node permanently highlights it, allowing to examine related nodes closely. Another right click on the same node removes the permanent highlight.

Left click a node to focus it. Click the outermost ring to go one step up in the hierarchy.

Use the selection items under the bundleview to manipulate its appearance:

Hello Bundleview

The following bundleview displays a randomly generated data set. While not delivering much insights, it suites its role as a variable performance benchmark.


The data of the flare visualization library is one of d3's most canonical benchmarks. As such, we obviously want to display it, too.

Relations display imports: The class of interest imports all connected red nodes and is imported by all connected green nodes.